The Finnish Nature Panel

The Finnish Nature Panel gathers research data on biodiversity for use by decision-makers, experts and citizens. The Finnish Nature Panel is an independent panel of scientific experts that supports nature and biodiversity policy planning and decision-making. We promote dialogue between science and policy by providing information directly to decision-makers and by participating in public debate. 

Multidisciplinary panel of scientific experts

The members of the Finnish Nature Panel represent scientific excellence from various disciplines, such as environmental science, ecology, biodiversity research, environmental economics, environmental law, agriculture and forestry, environmental education, health sciences and social and public policy. The panel is chaired by Professor of Ecology Janne Kotiaho from the University of Jyväskylä for the term of office 2024–2027.

Chairs and members of the Finnish Nature Panel

  • Janne Kotiaho, Chair of the Finnish Nature Panel, Professor, University of Jyväskylä
  • Ilari Sääksjärvi, 1st Vice Chair of the Finnish Nature Panel, Professor, University of Turku
  • Minna Pappila, 2nd Vice Chair of the Finnish Nature Panel, Senior Research Scientist, Finnish Environment Institute
  • Juha Aalto, Research Professor, Finnish Meteorological Institute
  • Christoffer Boström, Associate Professor, Åbo Akademi University
  • Kari Hyytiäinen, Professor, University of Helsinki
  • Simo Häyrynen, Professor, University of Eastern Finland
  • Jaana Jarva, Chief Expert, Geological Survey of Finland GTK
  • Matti Koivula, Research Professor, Natural Resources Institute Finland
  • Anna-Kaisa Kosenius, University Lecturer, University of Helsinki
  • Aleksi Lehikoinen, Senior Curator, Finnish Museum of Natural History
  • Heikki Mykrä, Senior Research Scientist, Finnish Environment Institute
  • Tiina Onkila, Associate Professor, University of Jyväskylä
  • Tiina Paloniitty, University Lecturer, University of Helsinki
  • Lili-Ann Wolff, Senior Lecturer, University of Helsinki

The members of the Finnish Nature Panel work in higher education institutions and research institutes around Finland, and they work in the panel alongside their own work. The panellists are appointed on the basis of proposals submitted by higher education institutions and research institutes for a four-year term of office at a time. The panellists are introduced in more detail on the Jäsenet page (in Finnish). The work of the Finnish Nature Panel is assisted by staff consisting of a science coordinator, coordinator and communication expert. There are postdoctoral researchers working in the panel’s study projects.

What does the Finnish Nature Panel do?

The Finnish Nature Panel issues statements and recommendations concerning the decision-making in Finnish nature policy and strengthens the multidisciplinary approach to nature issues. The work of the Finnish Nature Panel is based on scientific evidence and multidisciplinary expertise. Reports and statements are published on the panel’s website and provided to decision-makers, the media and other key stakeholders. The role of the Finnish Nature Panel is defined in the Nature Conservation Act.

Read more about the work of the Finnish Nature Panel and its ongoing projects in the Työmme section (in Finnish).

The press releases and publications of the Finnish Nature Panel can be found in the Ajankohtaista menu (in Finnish).

Contact information

Chair of the Finnish Nature Panel
Janne Kotiaho
Professor of Ecology, University of Jyväskylä
tel. +358 50 594 6881

Communications Specialist
Sanna Autere
tel. +358 50 532 9301

Ilona Laine
tel. +358 44 355 3692